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View Outliers PnL Drill-Down: GOTU240621C00007500

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Initial Position

record_date ticker symbol strike volume open_interest implied_volatility bs_sigma bs_call bs_put spec_perc_move bs_iv_call bs_iv_put last_option_price last_underlying_price exp_date side bias prev_day_volatility volatility percent_move
2024-05-21 GOTU GOTU240621C00007500 7.50 68.0 2885.000 0.957 0.306 0.0 0.7 0.010 0.460 1.080 0.55 6.85 2024-06-21 CALL Long 0.422 0.448 -0.132

Realize Position if there are favorable/unfavorable market conditions.
Volatiltiy Analysis

record_date ticker volatility_ratio minimum_volatility maximum_volatility average_volatility current_volatility against_prev_volatility curr_price net_profitability dividend_yield time_period_low time_period_high interval time_period avg_price_prev
2024-12-17 GOTU 0.727 0.152 0.374 0.248 0.234 0.083 2.44 -0.002 0.0000 2.40 8.35 21 1y 3.00

Position Tracking

symbol ticker side bias strike exit_reason option_pnl_str option_perc underlying_pnl_str underlying_perc iv_diff option_purchase_price option_curr_price underlying_original_price underlying_curr_price option_pnl dollar_pnl position_entry days_in_position volume open_interest underlying_pnl record_date
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.56 -0.93 $-2.11 -0.30 1.40 0.60 0.04 7.10 4.99 -0.56 $-56.00 60.00 28 10.0 4189.000 -2.11 2024-06-18
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.56 -0.93 $-2.09 -0.29 1.15 0.60 0.04 7.10 5.01 -0.56 $-56.00 60.00 27 10.0 4189.000 -2.09 2024-06-17
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.56 -0.93 $-2.13 -0.30 0.76 0.60 0.04 7.10 4.97 -0.56 $-56.00 60.00 24 10.0 4189.000 -2.13 2024-06-14
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.56 -0.93 $-1.99 -0.28 0.80 0.60 0.04 7.10 5.11 -0.56 $-56.00 60.00 23 10.0 4189.000 -1.99 2024-06-13
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.56 -0.93 $-2.28 -0.32 0.68 0.60 0.04 7.10 4.82 -0.56 $-56.00 60.00 22 10.0 4189.000 -2.28 2024-06-12
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.56 -0.93 $-2.21 -0.31 0.57 0.60 0.04 7.10 4.89 -0.56 $-56.00 60.00 21 10.0 4189.000 -2.21 2024-06-11
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.55 -0.92 $-1.92 -0.27 0.54 0.60 0.05 7.10 5.18 -0.55 $-55.00 60.00 20 11.0 4189.000 -1.92 2024-06-10
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.55 -0.92 $-1.88 -0.26 0.66 0.60 0.05 7.10 5.22 -0.55 $-55.00 60.00 19 207.0 4089.000 -1.88 2024-06-09
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.55 -0.92 $-1.90 -0.27 0.38 0.60 0.05 7.10 5.20 -0.55 $-55.00 60.00 17 207.0 4089.000 -1.90 2024-06-07
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.55 -0.92 $-1.67 -0.24 0.35 0.60 0.05 7.10 5.43 -0.55 $-55.00 60.00 16 1.0 4089.000 -1.67 2024-06-06
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.50 -0.83 $-1.62 -0.23 0.29 0.60 0.10 7.10 5.48 -0.50 $-50.00 60.00 15 200.0 4089.000 -1.62 2024-06-05
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.50 -0.83 $-1.63 -0.23 0.26 0.60 0.10 7.10 5.47 -0.50 $-50.00 60.00 14 200.0 3905.000 -1.63 2024-06-04
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.50 -0.83 $-1.44 -0.20 0.23 0.60 0.10 7.10 5.66 -0.50 $-50.00 60.00 13 10.0 3905.000 -1.44 2024-06-03
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.55 -0.92 $-1.40 -0.20 0.05 0.60 0.05 7.10 5.70 -0.55 $-55.00 60.00 10 134.0 3809.000 -1.40 2024-05-31
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.48 -0.80 $-1.18 -0.17 0.08 0.60 0.12 7.10 5.92 -0.48 $-48.00 60.00 9 277.0 3539.000 -1.18 2024-05-30
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.45 -0.75 $-1.04 -0.15 0.05 0.60 0.15 7.10 6.06 -0.45 $-45.00 60.00 8 510.0 3050.000 -1.04 2024-05-29
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.40 -0.67 $-0.93 -0.13 0.15 0.60 0.20 7.10 6.17 -0.40 $-40.00 60.00 7 80.0 3016.000 -0.93 2024-05-28
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.40 -0.67 $-0.87 -0.12 -0.01 0.60 0.20 7.10 6.23 -0.40 $-40.00 60.00 6 106.0 3015.000 -0.87 2024-05-27
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.40 -0.67 $-0.88 -0.12 -0.05 0.60 0.20 7.10 6.22 -0.40 $-40.00 60.00 3 106.0 3015.000 -0.88 2024-05-24
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $-0.35 -0.58 $-0.76 -0.11 -0.04 0.60 0.25 7.10 6.34 -0.35 $-35.00 60.00 2 216.0 3017.000 -0.76 2024-05-23
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 Exit OP PnL: $-0.15;Exit EQ PnL: -0.13; Position is Long and position continued to lose. Latest OP price is: $0.45 (EQ: $6.97). Initial OP price was: $0.60 (EQ: $7.10). Surpassed Stop Loss Percentage: -0.25 < -0.16. $-0.25 -0.42 $-0.55 -0.08 -0.03 0.60 0.35 7.10 6.55 -0.25 $-25.00 60.00 1 476.0 3046.000 -0.55 2024-05-22
GOTU240621C00007500 GOTU CALL Long 7.50 None $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.60 7.10 7.10 0.00 $0.00 60.00 0 349.0 2885.000 0.00 2024-05-21

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