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Last Updated: 2025-03-06 22:15:14.649347
Total PnL: $2.26

Unrealized Positions:

Unrealized Pos PnL: $2.26

symbol ticker exit side bias strike option_pnl_str option_perc_str underlying_pnl_str underlying_perc iv_diff dte option_purchase_price option_curr_price underlying_original_price underlying_curr_price option_pnl dollar_pnl position_entry days_in_position option_perc underlying_pnl
LX250321C00007500 LX EXIT CALL Long 7.50 $1.41 1.66 $1.92 0.26 0.86 15 0.85 2.26 7.52 9.44 1.41 $141.00 85.00 3 1.658823529411764705882352941 1.92
COMM250321C00005000 COMM EXIT CALL Long 5.00 $0.83 1.77 $0.76 0.16 0.09 15 0.47 1.30 4.81 5.57 0.83 $83.00 47.00 3 1.765957446808510638297872340 0.76
ALLK250321C00002500 ALLK EXIT CALL Long 2.50 $0.02 1.00 $0.02 0.08 0.75 15 0.02 0.04 0.24 0.26 0.02 $2.00 2.00 3 1 0.02

Unrealized Neg PnL: $0

No Movement in Option

Outlier Strategy Description

This is a strategy based off of mean reversion and attempting to enter into an options position in the opposite direction to capitalize off of large moves. In layman's terms, stonk go up a lot. I Immediately enter into a position in the opposite direction betting that it will float somewhat back down to the original price.

Takeaways and Future Enhancements

This strategy does not take into account rises in implied volatility. Future enhancements to this strategy are to enter into in-the-money short positions to capitalize off of implied volatility. Also, it seems that betting against companies with the belief that they are going to go down after making a large move is bad for the bottom line. More analysis needs to be done in order to enter into bearish positions. Perhaps, entering into in the money short positions is better!